Springtime Hazards: Protecting Your Pets This Easter

Springtime Hazards: Protecting Your Pets This Easter

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As the blossoms bloom and the days lengthen, it's time to revel in the joys of spring with our beloved furry companions. However, amidst the sunshine and outdoor adventures, there are hazards lurking that every pet owner should be aware of. If you have any concerns about your pet use Vetsy to get an appointment fast with our online service.

Top 10 Spring Hazards for Pets

  1. Chocolate: While you're enjoying those Easter treats, be cautious with chocolate. It contains theobromine, which is toxic to dogs, cats and rabbits. The seriousness of chocolate toxicity depends on how much chocolate your pet has eaten, the size of your pet and the type of chocolate ingested (milk or dark). Our online vets can calculate the toxin risk for your pet and advise whether referral to a clinic is needed. It’s always handy to have the packaging at hand (as long as the thief hasn't eaten that too!)
  2. Raisins: Both raisins and grapes are toxic to dogs and can cause a degree of kidney injury. Watch out for those raisins in your hot cross buns this spring - keeping them out of reach from nosey snouts!
  3. Spring Flowers: Glorious spring does bring about an array of beautiful bulbs and flowers. However some of them are potentially toxic to dogs and cats if ingested, including daffodils, lilies, azaleas, bluebells and tulips. Daffodils in particular are dangerous and can cause can also cause severe vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy.
  4. Slug and Snail Pellets (Metaldehyde): Keep an eye on your garden chemicals, as ingesting slug and snail pellets can lead to serious poisoning in pets. Symptoms of exposure include tremors, seizures and an alarmingly high body temperature.
  5. Ivy: Ivy may seem innocuous, but it can cause gastrointestinal upset and skin irritation in dogs who decide to snack on it.
  6. Grass Blades: Surprisingly, grass blades can pose a risk, especially for curious cats who may get them lodged in their nose or throat.
  7. Adder Bites: With warmer weather comes the risk of encounters with adders. Be mindful of adder bites, which can cause severe swelling and pain. They require immediate veterinary attention.
  8. Barbecues: While you're firing up the grill, keep an eye on your pets and ensure they stay away from potentially dangerous items like kebab skewers and bones. What's more, if greedy paws nab a burger or two, your pet may be at risk of developing pancreatitis.
  9. Allergies: Just like humans, pets can develop allergies to pollen, grass, and other springtime irritants. Watch out for signs of itching, inflamed skin, and other allergic reactions.
  10. Insect Stings: While most insect stings are harmless, some pets may have allergic reactions. Keep an eye out for swelling, distress, and breathing difficulties.

How Vetsy Can Help

At Vetsy, we understand the importance of keeping your furry friends safe and healthy. If you have any concerns about your pet book an appointment immediately. We can offer both triage advice or hopefully put your mind at rest.

  • Fast appointments - You can book an appointment the same day to speak to a qualified vet
  • No travel time - No worries about packing your pet up as all appointments are online
  • Prescriptions included - if your pet does need medication we include the costs of writing prescriptions in the consultation fee