How Vetsy Helps Pets

If your pet suffers from any of these conditions a Vetsy appointment can help them and, if you need a prescription, Vetsy will save you at least 45% on your normal vet bill. 

Sprains & Lameness

We'll do a video assessment for gait analysis, to localise the source of the lameness.

We can prescribe pain relief and a rehabilitation plan – including rest and return to exercise regime.

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Gastrointestinal upset

From the call and your observations we can prescribe initial measures or recommendations to settle acute flare ups,  including probiotics and diet trials.

More chronic cases of diarrhoea/vomiting require time to determine appropriate diet options, to analyse the trigger/food intolerance.  

We can provide prescriptions for supplements to manage any deficiencies and improve gut microbiome and health. Vetsy can dedicate time to work out appropriate, manageable long term plans.

Skin allergies

After reviewing their condition from a video call we can prescribe specific medication to relieve the “itch” or allergic reaction and settle discomfort.

We can advise on appropriate topical products from shampoos, the ointments and oils, or oral skin supplements.

We can dedicate time to discuss hypoallergenic diets and formulate specific diet trials and work closely alongside the owner/pet to formulate a successful long term plan. Skin allergies are unfortunately never cured, the key is finding a way to control the symptoms.

Osteoarthritis / Chronic pain

We can provide long term prescriptions to manage joint pain and alleviate those chronic aches.

Additional use of supplements and recommendations on adjunctive therapies, including physio, hydro or laser therapy to support our geriatrics.

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Urine concerns

When we've reviewed your pet we can manage the incontinence  with prescriptions that are available to source online. Recurrent cystitis can be painful and recurrent in some pets.

This can be secondary to underlying stress and these patients require significant changes in lifestyle and diet to prevent recurrence.

Urine samples can be analysed remotely at home and under the guidance of our vets we can interpret the results together to formulate a long term solution.

Behavioural concerns

Reactive, nervous or aggressive dogs find vet visits highly stressful and sometimes can be limiting due to inability to closely assess these patients.

Vetsy provides an opportunity to see these pets in their familiar environment, displaying their natural selves.

We can dedicate time to discuss behavioural training from the comfort of home, advising on tips and methods to overcome such fears/anxiety. In particular cases we can also advise supplements or prescribe behavioural medications.

Nutritional advice

Is your pet struggling with obesity or maintaining weight?

We can spend the time reviewing the current diet and recommend appropriate measures to reach our target weight goals.

Our vets will formulate a unique diet plan based on your pets current regime and weight, which supports you along the way to ensure we reach our target goals.  

Such approaches can highlight any underlying disease or metabolic processes that may be impacting your pets ability to lose/gain weight. We can then steer our focus on to managing such conditions.

Long term prescription

Any pet that is on long term prescriptions, can now avoid regular vet visits to review the medication.

Through a thorough consultation, discussion and assessment we can update your prescriptions for your pet and provide a written prescription for you to continue to source the required medication online.

What’s more, we don’t add a surcharge for a written prescription, this is all included in the cost of your consultation.

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